Suggested building order is Huts (total of 2 to 3), ScoutLodge, Barracks, Workshop, Archery Range, Arrow Towers (if needed).This will get you the defenses you need. Just build everything.The walkthrough below will give you any specifics you mightneed (if there are any). I'm not going to give you details regarding each building.You don't need it. Start using it tofindthe last gems on islands you are returning to for other items. The Magnifying Glass is very handy to find gems.If a gem isonthe screen, you will receive a large circle area to look within.It takes time to recharge though. I usually build everything(except the Sky Hall) and many, many, many Shaman Tents when theybecome available. There is no limit to building except your patience and thefact that ithas to be done one at a time. Youcan restart a level as long as you haven't finished the primary goal.Exit out of the level and when you select Play, select No for'Doyou want to continue your saved game?'. If they die, you will haveto start the level over and you don't want that as you spent a lot oftime building already, right?. DO worry about your defenses if the enemy comes into thevillage to attack Aruku and Guro. If you fail, just pull backand build more buildings. Don't worry too much if part of your tribe dies whilefighting unless the enemy is attacking your to your village.You will regenerate. Then you can open it and look at it a little bitmore easily. You might want to rightclick on the image as select Save Picture As to save it onto yourcomputer. These maps are kind of big and I didn't want to reduce themso muchthat you can't see them clearly. I will not be telling you to look for gems.However, each maphas all the gems circled in red. The walkthrough will not tell you to read the guide stones.Iexpect you to do so, okay? They'll give you hints, so usethem!. Inaddition, you will need to return to some island to pick up feathers,shark teeth, and gems. Itriedto do them with the least amount of returning as possible. You need to do thechapters in order but the interludes can wait if desired. The levels in the walkthrough are listed in asuggested order. Find your level below and havefun!.Walkthrough Information. Each level in the walkthrough provides you with detailedinstruction and complete maps.

This game provides many, many hours of greatfun. Introduction to the Totem Tribe Gold (Extended Edition) Walkthrough.In this game you will explore interesting lands, build up anarmy as needed, and battle unusual enemies, all the while looking forhidden items. The most specialized sector of the economy was gold mining. The Shona people identified themselves with clans rather than the tribe. Each lineage was symbolized by an annual totem. The Shona migrated into Zimbabwe during the great Bantu expansion from approximately 2000 b.c.e.
Totem tribe gold guardian moon puzzles archive#
Totem Tribe Gold Archive - Forums Totem Tribe Gold. Totem Tribe Gold The Great Desert Rating: 9,6/10 9130 reviewsĪrchive Discussions about our Totem Tribe Gold game - enhanced version of original Totem Tribe with more levels, quests, and items.